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Name: Linda

Location: Texas

I am a wife, mom and grandma. I am doing what I've wanted to do all my life. I am a Christian and I love the Lord.

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Sunday, November 04, 2007
One Thousand Gifts

To be grateful is to be “appreciative of benefits received”. Ann, whose beautiful posts make me think of the singing of an angelic choir, has invited us to participate in expressing our gratitude to the Lord by keeping a list of “One Thousand Gifts”. As I have read through her lists, filled with the little blessings the Father pours into our lives on a daily basis that we sometimes either take for granted or don’t notice at all, it has filled my own heart with a kind of joy that is warm and uplifting.

And so I begin recognizing those blessings, writing them down and recording them periodically in my own little corner:

1. The little lane I see as we ride our bikes along a country road. It is a dirt lane with grass growing down the middle. There is a sweet little gate at the end. It looks like something out of the “Secret Garden”.

2. Calling out “Hi Girls” to the cows who sit under the oak trees lazily chewing their cuds and watching as we pedal our bikes furiously up the little hill.

3. The fluffy white clouds against an impossibly blue sky.

4. The green fields of the farmer filled with huge bales of hay that look like giant empty spools scattered across the field.

5. Watching my husband ride with strength and grace for this day far ahead of me and then turning back to meet me and ride along side.

6. Spending the day with my Mom – working together to make beautiful wall hangings of Christmas angels.

7. Watching my Dad, feeling better and happily working on a carpentry project in his garage.

8. Conversations with my grown children.

9. My little granddaughter, cheeks flushed from playing hard, at the end of her soccer game.

10. Singing in the choir and sensing the presence of the Lord as we sing “Holy, Holy, Holy” and everyone rises to their feet.

11. The first touch of cooler weather; opening all the windows in the house and letting the fresh breezes flow through the rooms.

12. Delicious homemade cookies my daughter sent home with her Dad after he worked for two days doing repairs on her home.

13. The smell of newly cut grass.
14. Butterflies brightening the way with their colorful, delicate wings.

15. A new puppy having the love of five children lavished on her.

16. My little granddaughter, seeing us coming and running with open arms to meet us.

17. The warmth and comfort of my bed on a chilly night.

18. Being called “Sweetie” and still feeling like a little girl when I’m with my Mom and Dad.

19. Looking into the sky on these clear, crisp evenings and seeing the numberless stars and knowing He knows each one by name.

20. Hearing my son called Pastor.

What love You have lavished on us Father!

  posted at 1:07 PM